Sunday, January 21, 2007

Here are our RPG Christmas trees.

I suspect this was wrong on some level, but I had to admire his initiative and creative use of available resources.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Christmas with a bang, eh?

Did you guys mount the .30 on the truck and make your own technical, or was it just an available mounting for the shot? Too bad the relic had to be destroyed... seems a part of history that wound its way around the world!

Thanks for the blogs, by the way, Dave, it's great fun to read and a nice respite from the usual drivel we're served here in terms of what the media calls "news"...

Hope you're doing well,
Tom Hobbs
(in case you don't remember, I'm Phil and Pat Goscienski's youngest, we had lunch with my dad about a year ago...)